How to Start a WordPress Blog (Step-by-Step 2024 Guide)

Do you have knowledge to share? a passion? to anyone who has a desire to share I recommend sharing your knowledge by starting a WordPress blog.

Ever since I learned how to start a WordPress blog it has been extremely rewarding. If you’re looking to advance your career or just have fun by sharing your stories starting a blog is a fantastic way to do either. Sharing your knowledge online is a perfect way to show potential jobs and clients the value you can add to their company.

There are many ways to create a blog online with options like Squarespace, Wix, Blogger and more it can be hard to choose. If you want ultimate control over your site a self-hosted WordPress site has become the most customizable to create a blog.

But if you’re on this page you are already ready to build a WordPress blog.

This step by step guide to starting your blog should only take about 20 minutes.

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Apple Watch Impressions After a Couple Months

I can sum up my experience with the Apple Watch very simply. Overall the Apple Watch is 5% functionality and 95% vanity/status. Almost all of the 3rd party apps are worthless making the core timekeeping functionality the high point.

I can breakdown how I use this device into 3 sections; the watchface, notifications, and fitness tracking. Originally I was concerned with the battery life but it’s never died during daily use.

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How to Disable Emojis in WordPress

Over the week I had a client’s WordPress crashing in iOS Safari after upgrading to WP 4.2.

I performed javascript debugging and realized the wp-emoji-release.min.js file was using a high amount of memory and cpu.

The WordPress emoji javascript file runs a regex on the entire page causing the browser to crash on mobile (due to lack of memory on mobile devices).

So if you’re not using emoji on your WordPress site you should disable it to speed up your site. Here are a few solutions to disable emoji in WordPress.

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3 Tips to Jumpstart Your Next WordPress Site

Over my many years of using WordPress I’ve learned some expert tips to give your site a jumpstart.

If you’re looking to start a WordPress blog read my guide here.

These are especially helpful for sites with small budgets and just want to get their content online.

1. Host Your Site on a Kickass Server

You can waste loads of time optimizing and securing your WordPress site. Well now there are web hosts specifically designed for WordPress and I’ve found them well worth the extra monthly cost.

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5 Reasons You Should Be Using WordPress

1. WordPress Saves Time and Money

The huge amount of free and paid plugins and themes is enough of a reason to use WordPress. Plugins can handle many website details such as performance, security, design, and SEO which is a huge head start. With most elements handled for relatively cheap/free you can focus on what’s important, your website’s content.

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How to Control Your Apple TV with Your Mac

Ever since getting an Apple TV I’ve been using the remote app on my iPhone which I highly recommend. Especially the remote in iOS 12’s control center. But if you’re lazy like me sometimes you just want to be able to use your Macbook to control your Apple TV.

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Dropcam Pro Review

Note: Google bought Dropcam so this review is no longer relevant.

Ever since I’ve had a few car break ins near my house I decided to pick up some security cameras. I originally had a Foscam using Sensr (no longer available) and wasn’t impressed at all, plus I couldn’t find any services that allowed me to view my camera as a DVR. Well Dropcam Pro exceeded all of my expectations for a home monitoring solution.

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How to Use Internet Explorer on Mac for Free

As a web designer or developer you’ll find yourself needing to test in multiple browsers. The lack of Internet Explorer on Mac is apparent when most clients notice issues in IE.Well Microsoft created this awesome site for everything needed to test in IE. I figured most people should know this since I was unaware so here’s a quick step by step guide.

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