A Standard Palindrome is a word or phrase that is the same forward as it is backwards without punctuation and spaces. So here is a small PHP script that will check if a string is a standard palindrome.
Replace the value you want of $originalPalindromeToTest with the string you want to check is a palindrome or not.
This PHP script will strip all of the spaces and reverse the order of the string to check if it’s a palindrome (as you can see in the if statement below).
$originalPalindromeToTest = "Madam I'm Adam";
$palindrome = strtolower(preg_replace("([^A-Za-z0-9])", "", $originalPalindromeToTest ));
$palindromeReversed = strtolower(strrev($palindrome));
echo "Original Statement: $originalPalindromeToTest <br /><br />";
if ($palindrome == $palindromeReversed){
echo "$palindrome is a Standard Palindrome of $palindromeReversed";
echo "$palindrome is <strong>not</strong> a Standard Palindrome of $palindromeReversed";
You should work on clean code. If you have palindrome2, the other variable should be palindrome1.
Also, use white space. Indenting is good too for legibility.